Saturday 20 August 2016

My elder sister in law

My elder sister in law

My sister in law, a simpleton she may seem at first sight, yet one can learn a lot from her. She has been a paramount of patience and tolerance...I really fail to understand how she kept rein on her reactions (seething and fuming she may seem to others from inside) at my elder brother's outbursts of agitation at her being so quiet when he asked her to speak her mind out to which either she nodded her head or replied in mono syllables and this kind of response only added fuel to his fire of anger in no vain. It was he who had to retreat from the scene... She exemplifies the thesis of Gandhigiri. We used to compare her to a docile cow(सीधवा गाय). But, sometimes, her unexpected reply or statement at any topic, just and precise, left us dumbfounded. However, she is very economical with words.
One other quality is her 'less is more' principle. I never saw her placing any demand for clothes and jewelleries...even a piece of trinket was a diamond jewellery for her . If asked anything she needed, her ever ready reply was 'सब कुछ त छेबे करे'।
My children like her a lot though she doesn't show-off her love and care like others. Even my elder brother who was once always full of complaints and grudges, now acknowledge her qualities from the bottom of his heart. Far from any pretensions, she has proved herself by keeping her feet firm on unstable and rocky grounds of life, full of struggle and challenges, braving all the criticisms by others. Now she's a proud mother of an Agricultural Research Scientist bestowed with two lovely grand children.
She never goes to any beauty patlour. Beauty and spa treatments have been a far cry in her small pastoral world. But, her figure has always been slim as she is up at the crack of dawn, tending to cattle, broom cleaning the aangan and cooking, looking after the plants and the family members that she has hardly any time to catch a few hours of rest (labours scarce these days either due to MNREGA or their exodus for seeking employment in other states). A glow of contentment radiates from her wrinkle free face...the glow which is inside out. I never saw her falter or losing her calm even in dire, desperate moments. Whatever I pen down in her praise, will be little to encapsulate her in words. She is simply you bhabhi.

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