A pair of unbreakable melamine tumblers
Had I bought once with love,
For my friend and me-
To share the morning tea together.
One orange and the other one yellow
Both looked so good and mellow.
One day, the yellow one chinked at the bottom
The cracks sprawled like parched openings
Out run the tea through those cracks
And, alas out run our affinity, too.
I, with broken heart cleaned the mess
But the spots and indelible stains remained.
Last week, while decluttering the kitchen
I found it tucked neatly in corner of a drawer
Reminding me of its unbreakable fragility.
A lump, a bump and then a drop of tear
Were all left with the chinks, as if,
Tagged with- "Fragile- Handle with care".
The yellow one is still there
Sitting on the kitchen shelf now
And the chinks telling of its 'Frail Tale'
It was a song sung off key, off limits
So, the affinity took an off road
No reverse gear could ever revive it.
And now, the rigor mortis has set in too.
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