Tuesday 31 December 2013


A cute little pair of wondering eyes,
From the pavement on the roadside,
Gazed at the nonstop passersby with sighs.

Wherein lost that world that I was in?
Was small and cozy yet safe and quiet.
Far from this daily quivering, hollow din.

A sniff here and a sniff there 
A pop on the steps of a doorway
Hopped the pup in the open lair.

A blare pierced his small ears
Wheezed past something huge
Ah! how unsafe, loud and fierce.

The fluffy ball took a fast roll
To reach the open lair across
But, alas! lay there a bloody ball.

From the broken spirit of the boy,
Two drops of tear ran out to see
The cutie coy now a red pulp of toy.

Rolled past more and more wheels, 
Tossing and crushing the toy underneath
Till it was flattened like banana peels.

Squeezed hard and shut tight
At the plight of that short life,
Those tearful eyes scanned the site.

The quivering hands, with broken faith
On a small wooden plank, gathered 
The last remains of death wraith.

Thus, on the pavement was a life born
And on the pavement was it buried 
Where from rose an angst, a scorn.